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Children's market, in spring mode

Mercado infantil, en modo primavera

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Fashion Snoops talks about four very colorful trends for children's clothing during this beginning season. Spring has arrived and the ideal is to dress in light, fun clothes full of strong and contrasting tones. Source and photos: Fashion Snoops

1. Sun

This children's clothing trend is inspired by the colors of the Mediterranean and speaks of that feeling that the sun causes in us. A very special emotion that always makes the soul recover. “Sol” presents us with ultra-saturated colors that elevate loose and fresh silhouettes, perfect for very hot days. Comfortable garments that are worn every day, such as planters and fresh woven shirts, in textures such as cotton gauze, very light. There are many sets that coordinate very well in a fun way and that work both outdoors and indoors.

2. Assembly

Found within the walls of an artist's compound, Assemblage is a trend designed to elevate the handmade and the natural. Inspired by the natural world that surrounds us, it shows a palette of warm tones that mix with earth and blues and greens. With emphasis on the minimalism of “less is more”, an extra ingredient is added that says that “less is also better”. Essential pieces, like baggy pants and billowing shirts, focus on materials infused with natural healing properties.

3. Illuminate

In this hyper-calm world of saturated pastels, the children's clothing trend called Iluminar plays with the imagination, allowing the sweetest dreams to come to life where cotton candy tones are the protagonists. Offering a surreal twist to natural landscapes, it opens the door to a pastel paradise of possibilities. Ultra-soft cottons elevate everyday matching sets and tops, creating active-ready loungewear for kids. The easy-to-combine pieces offer fabric-based designs, which come together to create outfits in softer colors that nourish our spirit.

4. Amplification

The voices of the next generation resonate in Amplificación as children declare their need to be seen and heard and do so through their looks. Filled with eye-catching bright colors and active elements, the new city order emerges in unexpected places as activism for children takes over our streets. With nods to the '90s, the silhouettes are free and liberating, covered in bold graphic messages that proudly declare their views. Children's clothing features eclectic bursts of neon and unexpectedly bold tie dyes scream across the ranks, grabbing attention.

Children's market, in spring mode

Mercado infantil, en modo primavera

admin |

Fashion Snoops talks about four very colorful trends for children's clothing during this beginning season. Spring has arrived and the ideal is to dress in light, fun clothes full of strong and contrasting tones. Source and photos: Fashion Snoops

1. Sun

This children's clothing trend is inspired by the colors of the Mediterranean and speaks of that feeling that the sun causes in us. A very special emotion that always makes the soul recover. “Sol” presents us with ultra-saturated colors that elevate loose and fresh silhouettes, perfect for very hot days. Comfortable garments that are worn every day, such as planters and fresh woven shirts, in textures such as cotton gauze, very light. There are many sets that coordinate very well in a fun way and that work both outdoors and indoors.

2. Assembly

Found within the walls of an artist's compound, Assemblage is a trend designed to elevate the handmade and the natural. Inspired by the natural world that surrounds us, it shows a palette of warm tones that mix with earth and blues and greens. With emphasis on the minimalism of “less is more”, an extra ingredient is added that says that “less is also better”. Essential pieces, like baggy pants and billowing shirts, focus on materials infused with natural healing properties.

3. Illuminate

In this hyper-calm world of saturated pastels, the children's clothing trend called Iluminar plays with the imagination, allowing the sweetest dreams to come to life where cotton candy tones are the protagonists. Offering a surreal twist to natural landscapes, it opens the door to a pastel paradise of possibilities. Ultra-soft cottons elevate everyday matching sets and tops, creating active-ready loungewear for kids. The easy-to-combine pieces offer fabric-based designs, which come together to create outfits in softer colors that nourish our spirit.

4. Amplification

The voices of the next generation resonate in Amplificación as children declare their need to be seen and heard and do so through their looks. Filled with eye-catching bright colors and active elements, the new city order emerges in unexpected places as activism for children takes over our streets. With nods to the '90s, the silhouettes are free and liberating, covered in bold graphic messages that proudly declare their views. Children's clothing features eclectic bursts of neon and unexpectedly bold tie dyes scream across the ranks, grabbing attention.
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