🚚 Envíos gratis por compras mayores a $ 150.000

🔒 Pagos 100% seguros con Wompi

💳 Paga a crédito con ADDI hasta 3 cuotas sin interes* Aplican TyC

Shipping Policies

Delivery and purchase policies

Purchasing process:

Once the transaction is successful, you will be notified via email and your purchase will be delivered within 3 to 7 business days. This time may vary according to road restrictions or national situations.
To protect your security, we remind you that the only payment options are those enabled within the platform. Never fill out forms; nor provide bank details to external links to the Comertex Page.

The shipment of your orders will be made according to the areas that Comertex SAS includes within its scope map. If the destination city is not within these zones, the system will not allow you to continue with the purchase process.
Transactions are subject to product availability; validation of personal information and will be notified of the success of the purchase via email.

If your order is placed after 03:00 pm, business days will be taken for delivery from the next day.
Verify your personal information, telephone numbers and delivery address before making the purchase, as we are not responsible for deliveries to wrong destinations or errors in typing information made by the customer.

Warranty exchange process:

If at the time of receiving the product you find any inconsistency in the merchandise received. In relation to: Quality (Reference that does not correspond to that requested, color, damage to packaging, tears or wear of the product) you can request the carrier to immediately return the merchandise to the point of origin.

Immediately contact our hotline in exchange:
(057)037- 6300200/ 314 4113065 so that your request can be attended to.
This process will have an estimated duration of 10 business days.

Product Change Process:

We accept the Right of withdrawal established by the Super Intendency of Industry and Commerce. Within which, you can make changes to the products purchased, as long as the following conditions are met:

  • The purchase does not exceed 5 days after delivery of the product.
  • The good or service has not been used or transformed.
  • Keep the original labels and packaging in good condition.
  • You have an invoice or document that proves the purchase of said product.
  • To make a request for a product change you must contact (057) 037-6300200 | 3144113065 | onlineservice@comertex.com.co
  • Product shipping costs must be assumed by the customer.
  • The process of changing your product will take approximately 10 business days.
  • Please note that to proceed with the change, products must be returned under the instructions of the customer service area (servicioenlinea@comertex.com.co), once received and their status checked, the process will continue. Under no circumstances will a new product be sent without having received the product to be exchanged.

Payment methods

You can buy online easily and safely with PSE, Credit or Debit Card from any financial institution. Our Virtual Store automatically connects you with the Wompi payment gateway where you can use:

  • PSE
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Teacher
  • Among others

Additionally, you can make your purchases via Baloto (You must confirm the Agreement ONLY through line 3144113065). Another option, is to pay through Bank Transfer, for this you must contact only the Comertex WhatsApp line: 3144113065 . Remember NOT to make payments through channels other than this one or provide information to third parties to avoid fraud.

Remember that our National WhatsApp line is 3144113065 and the only lines enabled in our stores are duly published on our official website, our Stores section

Comertex SAS will NEVER ask you for deposits or payments through personal accounts; All payment accounts are CORPORATE, Current and linked to the Company's NIT directly, not to IDs.

At Comertex you can also buy and pay in installments with ADDI . Do your credit process online. To apply you need to have your physical ID, a valid email and your cell phone with access to WhatsApp. When making your online purchase with installment payment, choose ADDI and follow the steps. Too easy!

For more information on how to buy through our website, you can write to us via WhatsApp 3144113065. We have national coverage and deliveries in 3 to 8 business days.