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In the patchwork wave

En la onda del patchwork

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This ancient trend has become very popular thanks to its versatility, but also because in some way it is part of the sustainable fashion movement. Denim garments are all the rage. Building a garment using patches is the definition of patchwork and these days this technique has made a strong comeback. As we already know, fashion comes and goes, so it is not strange that this “recycling” is not only of old garments with which new ones can be made, but also of trends that, in some way, are reinterpreted.

The charm of patches

But what is the charm of something that seems to be built with scraps? Precisely the answer not only has to do with aesthetics and the possibility of surprising with different designs, but also with the fact of the richness that is found in some textures, tones and details of the finishes. Something made of small or large patches of different colors will always look very original. Although the fact that a garment is inspired by the world of patchwork does not mean that it was made with already used materials, its character does have that connotation. Using scraps and patches to put together a second garment with a design that may be different has its science and that is why this technique has been highly valued historically.

Zero waste?

The underlying essence of creating new pieces made with scraps is based on ensuring that all those scraps of fabric that remain from the large rolls can be used in the best possible way. Although it is still difficult to ensure that nothing is wasted, this trend is a good way to take advantage of all those pieces that remain in the cut, giving a unique character to these textures. The design, then, comes to play an important role because when you have many textures and colors, the magic is knowing how to mix them and turn them into a new garment that looks attractive and is easy to mix with others. On the other hand, for those who want to experiment at home, they can also try to create new garments with others that already need reinvention or whose “useful life” seems exhausted.

A very old technique

Patchwork or almudena, as it is known in Spanish, is not something new and, on the contrary, has thousands of years of history. This technique, which first became popular in fashion in the 60s, has its origins in the Middle Ages where quilts were made with small pieces of various designs to achieve a kind of mosaic. On the other hand, many attribute its origin to ancient Egypt, where tombs of pharaohs have been found with padded capes made from unions of small pieces of fabric. So this new look that fashion gives it is very interesting and tells a story that goes far beyond a trend that prevails for a few months.

In the patchwork wave

En la onda del patchwork

admin |

This ancient trend has become very popular thanks to its versatility, but also because in some way it is part of the sustainable fashion movement. Denim garments are all the rage. Building a garment using patches is the definition of patchwork and these days this technique has made a strong comeback. As we already know, fashion comes and goes, so it is not strange that this “recycling” is not only of old garments with which new ones can be made, but also of trends that, in some way, are reinterpreted.

The charm of patches

But what is the charm of something that seems to be built with scraps? Precisely the answer not only has to do with aesthetics and the possibility of surprising with different designs, but also with the fact of the richness that is found in some textures, tones and details of the finishes. Something made of small or large patches of different colors will always look very original. Although the fact that a garment is inspired by the world of patchwork does not mean that it was made with already used materials, its character does have that connotation. Using scraps and patches to put together a second garment with a design that may be different has its science and that is why this technique has been highly valued historically.

Zero waste?

The underlying essence of creating new pieces made with scraps is based on ensuring that all those scraps of fabric that remain from the large rolls can be used in the best possible way. Although it is still difficult to ensure that nothing is wasted, this trend is a good way to take advantage of all those pieces that remain in the cut, giving a unique character to these textures. The design, then, comes to play an important role because when you have many textures and colors, the magic is knowing how to mix them and turn them into a new garment that looks attractive and is easy to mix with others. On the other hand, for those who want to experiment at home, they can also try to create new garments with others that already need reinvention or whose “useful life” seems exhausted.

A very old technique

Patchwork or almudena, as it is known in Spanish, is not something new and, on the contrary, has thousands of years of history. This technique, which first became popular in fashion in the 60s, has its origins in the Middle Ages where quilts were made with small pieces of various designs to achieve a kind of mosaic. On the other hand, many attribute its origin to ancient Egypt, where tombs of pharaohs have been found with padded capes made from unions of small pieces of fabric. So this new look that fashion gives it is very interesting and tells a story that goes far beyond a trend that prevails for a few months.
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