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Reactivation or growth?

¿Reactivación o crecimiento?

admin |

If a year ago the buzzword was reinvention, now it is reactivation. But what does this mean? How to do it? Camilo Herrera, director of Raddar, gives us some ideas.

Herrera, who has dedicated himself to studying the fashion market, says that “it is true that the Colombian clothing sector returned to producing clothing and that implies that we are reactivated, but we have not recovered the levels of production and sales that we had in the past. year 2019.”
According to the expert, we have not grown and therefore we have lost a year and a half. “We are reactivating and growing if we compare ourselves to last year, but if we compare ourselves to 2019, we still have a lot of room to grow.”

Your recommendations

  • “What I could tell the business community at this moment is that temporarily – that is not yet clear – many of the rules of the game changed profoundly. So we also have to change production models.”
  • “We were used to having short inventories and multiple collections, making several a year in the style of early fashion and similar production models. Given the closure of the international trade chain, the increase in container freight from Asia is different: we are going to have a shortage of fabrics and supplies. This means that we must rethink the way it is produced.”
  • “I think we have to have higher inventories, less diversity in fabrics and designs and force ourselves to have collections like the ones we had before. “Make about four or two a year with a different textile structure”
  • "We are facing a return to old production models and/or an acceleration to new returns that are socially and environmentally more responsible given the reduction in international trade and the purchase of cheap inputs that came from Asia."

Reactivation or growth?

¿Reactivación o crecimiento?

admin |

If a year ago the buzzword was reinvention, now it is reactivation. But what does this mean? How to do it? Camilo Herrera, director of Raddar, gives us some ideas.

Herrera, who has dedicated himself to studying the fashion market, says that “it is true that the Colombian clothing sector returned to producing clothing and that implies that we are reactivated, but we have not recovered the levels of production and sales that we had in the past. year 2019.”
According to the expert, we have not grown and therefore we have lost a year and a half. “We are reactivating and growing if we compare ourselves to last year, but if we compare ourselves to 2019, we still have a lot of room to grow.”

Your recommendations

  • “What I could tell the business community at this moment is that temporarily – that is not yet clear – many of the rules of the game changed profoundly. So we also have to change production models.”
  • “We were used to having short inventories and multiple collections, making several a year in the style of early fashion and similar production models. Given the closure of the international trade chain, the increase in container freight from Asia is different: we are going to have a shortage of fabrics and supplies. This means that we must rethink the way it is produced.”
  • “I think we have to have higher inventories, less diversity in fabrics and designs and force ourselves to have collections like the ones we had before. “Make about four or two a year with a different textile structure”
  • "We are facing a return to old production models and/or an acceleration to new returns that are socially and environmentally more responsible given the reduction in international trade and the purchase of cheap inputs that came from Asia."
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